Best Resources collection, Starter Kits For Web Designers
In today’s article, we attempt to show you some of the best design starter kit we’ve come to know. You can download (for free) and use them right away, or customize your own copy that will come in handy in future, your choice. Full list after jump.
GUI, Form Elements and Web Components
From form elements like checkboxes, input fields, textareas to web design components like buttons, arrows, icons, badges and more.
Yahoo’s Design Stencil Kit
Probably one of the most complete kit for designers. GUI elements include calendars, grids, menus, mobile (general and iphone), navigation and pagination, tabs, UI controls and more! Comes in several format: OmniGraffle, Visio (XML), PDF, PNG and SVG.
Web Form Elements
With all these tabs, buttons, dropdowns in one single PSD file, it’s sure going to give you a kick start in interface design. Courtesy of sniperyu.
Browser Form Elements PSD
Browser Form Elements PSD for Mac Firefox 3 and another for Vista IE7.
Flex Dark Skin
Sleek dark skin interface elements.
Famfamfam Icons
Whether you are designing for web or application, you should not miss these awesome little buttons by Famfamfam.
Shortcut to: Silk, Mini and Flag collections.
Peter’s DeivantART ID
Design ID cards made easy with this PSD template.
Deluxive Creative Pack
Distributed free by Deluxive, this creative pack PSD come inclusive of badges, grid frames, buttons, stickers and more.
Aero Avatar and SIG
Vista avatar and signature template in PSD.
Turquoise PSD
Vista elements.
Browser Screens Templates
If you are designing website in a Photoshop PSD file, it’s important to keep each browser and visible screen in consideration. These following PSD with different version of Firefox, IE and Safari web safe area will come in handy.
Browser Web Safe Area
Web safe area for Safari, IE and Firefox in different operating systems, all in downloadable PSD file.
Shortcut to: Mac OS X – Safari, Firefox. Windows Vista – IE, Firefox, Windows XP – IE, Firefox
960px Photoshop Grid Template
PSD grid template in 960px width to prevent yourself from composing with edges of the screen that may/may not actually be where you plan them to be.
(More) Browser Templates
If you are looking for even more browser templates (PSD), webdesignerstoolkit’s collection should be what you are looking for. These folks has templates for Opera, Camino and classic browsers like iCan, Netscape and Mozilla.
Web Browser Elements
Free standard HTML form elements or browser windows for Windows, and Mac OSX.
Shortcut to: Mac OS X – Safari, Firefox. Windows Vista – IE, Firefox, Windows XP – IE, Firefox
Browser Screens and Website Elements
Exclusive freebie Vector Pack from VectorTuts. It’s a useful set of vector website assets you can use to mock up your client projects, present your work, or get a quick visual while laying out websites.
Quommunication Starter Kit
If you are looking to kick of designing in PSD with a minial and basic PSD as guidance, Quommunication’s starter kit is probably what you are looking for. It comes with color templates, browser web safe area and basic form components all in one PSD.
A typical screen capture (print screen) will not include the cursor in the output. If you depend on the cursor to help indicate and describe an image better, these following PSD packs might help.
Polished Graphite
2 sets of different mouse cursors by usedHONDA.
Photoshop Cursor Pack
Useful for those who create Photoshop Tutorials.
Product Design
iPhone GUI PSD 3.0
The image below gives you a clear idea what this PSD file consist. Utmost useful to mock any iPhone development interfaces. Created by teehanlax.
Here’s another one for the older version of iPhone.
iPhone PSD
High resolution iPhone interface.
Here’s for those who are looking for first gen iPhone interface.
Magazine PSD
If you are presenting something in magazine style, you will want to start with this PSD.
DVD Plastic Case
Our collection of beautiful CD and DVD cases PSD templates.