Powerful Shopping/Ecommerce Plugin Solutions For WordPress
This article came about after a comment from Andrew Pitchford on the article 10 Amazing WordPress Plugins for Flickr, he had enquired about eshopping plugins. So here we are, 10 of the most powerful shopping/ecommerce plugins for WordPress.
WP e-Commerce plugin for WordPress
Description: The WP e-Commerce shopping cart plugin for WordPress is an elegant easy to use fully featured shopping cart application suitable for selling your products, services, and or fees online.
WP e-Commerce is a Web 2.0 application designed with usability, aesthetics, and presentation in mind.
Note: This is by far and away the most complete and powerful Shopping Plugin you will find for WordPress. The feature list goes on and on, have a look for yourself here: WP-Ecommerce Features.
Quick Shop plugin for WordPress
Description: QuickShop supports any WordPress that has the Sidebar Widgets installed, really. It adds a SideBar widget that shows the user what they currently have in the cart and allows them to remove the items, not to mention a TinyMCE button to easily allow you to add products to your posts/pages.
Features: A TinyMCE button. This is practically a copy and changeover from the NextGen Gallery ; Full range of formatting for widget layout in Admin -> Options -> Quickshop ; Two widgets – one is Paypal, the other is set for your custom solution ; Now has both Paypal Subscription and Donation tags ; Ability to create different product options in a drop-down.
eShop plugin for WordPress
Description: There is a fair few features for this powerful plugin, here are some: use WordPress pages, or posts, to create products ; list multiple products, with add to cart form, on a single page ; products can have multiple options ; upload downloadable products ; basic Statistics ; download sales data ; 3 methods for calculating shipping charges, plus various zone settings via Country or US State? and a few more.
WP Live-Shopping plugin for WordPress
Description: This widget enables you to display all relevant live shopping offers within your WordPress blog in one single widget. You can add the widget to your sidebar and customize its appearance as you like inside the boundaries of LiveShoppingWidgets presentation options.
YAK Shopping Cart plugin for WordPress
Description: YAK is a simple shopping cart plugin for WordPress, associating products with weblog entries ? thus the post ID also becomes the product code.
An options screen is used to configure settings for the shopping cart. There are 3 pages in the WordPress Management screens; one for showing and fulfilling orders, another for product management, and basic sales reports.
Are PayPal plugin for WordPress
Description: This plugin is used to monetize wordpress blog content using PayPal. It is designed to sell your knowledge.
Features: Post/Page can be set to contain hidden content ; Instead of the hidden text user is shown a message about the action he has to take to be able to see the content ; Content can be set as hidden for unregistered users and visible for registered ; Content can be set as hidden for unregistered-unpayed users and visible for registered-paid users ; Gogglebot can index hidden content so users can search for a hidden content but can not see it. Other search engines will see only visible content ; Administrator can grant users to access payed content ; All the features are configurable using administration screens ; Plugin uses PayPal IPN – Instant Payment Notification protocol so payment/content delivery process is fully automated.
Paypal Shortcodes plugin for WordPress
Description: This plugin allow to insert Paypal buttons in your posts or pages, just using a shortcode. This plugin doesn’t have a management panel at this time, you will need to edit paypal-shortcodes.php and follow the comments.
EasyDonation plugin for WordPress
Description: EasyDonation allows WordPress users to easily embed a PayPal donation button with one tag.
WP Auctions plugin for WordPress
Description: WP Auctions is a revolutionary plugin for WordPress which allows you to host auctions on your blog and to sell ANYTHING, completely fee-free!
You no longer need to worry about listing fees, seller fees, final value fees, gallery fees or any other type of fee for anything you want to sell online from this day on! Once you list your auctions, you can register your plugin with the WP Auctions Live page and generate some traffic for your website.
Features: Create and host as many auctions as you like ; Upload multiple images for each auction ; Sell items only on ?Buy It Now? basis ; Show 3rd party ads when there are no auctions *new ; Get payment via PayPal (PayPal account required) ; RSS feed for your auctions, and many more?
ArtPal plugin for WordPress
Description: ArtPal is a free (GPL) WordPress plugin, originally written for Artists, to seemlessly integrate PayPal with their WordPress blogs so that they can sell their work online.
Features: Easy PayPal integration?all you need to supply is your PayPal email address ; Real-time sales updates?as soon as your item sells, ArtPal will disable it from being sold. You?ll never worry about your item selling twice ; Professionally supported?businesses mean business. Digital Sublimity provides commercial support, so you can be rest assured that your critical application will stay up and running when you need it.