Open Source task and list manager Manager: PlanCake
PlanCake is an open source task and list manager which can be downloaded/installed to a custom location or used from for free.
The application is fully Ajaxed, tasks can be re-ordered with drag’n drops and keyboard shortcuts are supported which all make the usage faster.
It is possible to create tasks with due dates (or not) and PlanCake can display your to-do-list inside a calendar. Or, you can reach them from the lists they are bound to and the tags they were marked with.
The application can be used in 2 modes:
- basic: to create lists with tasks for your projects or other stuff
- advanced: to implement the popular GTD method of David Allen.
If you prefer to print a list and check them offline, PlanCake can instantly generate a printer-friendly version.
The application is built with PHP (Symfony) and uses MySQL to store data.
Requirements: PHP 5.2.4+, MySQL 4+
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