Best jQuery Tutorials And Plugins for your website.
have always liked playing around with jQuery and I’m sure many of you do too! In fact we’ve published some jQuery ‘getting started‘ guides here on Spyre Studios in the past. So this time I thought we’d go more in depth and I’ve hand-picked 20 awesome jQuery tutorials (most of them have working demos)
Here they are:
Creating a Keyboard with CSS and jQuery ?
In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create a dynamic keyboard. Of course actually using this keyboard on a website or in a project is probably not gonna happen very often (if ever), but it’s always nice to play around with jQuery to see what can be done.
Animate Curtains Opening with jQuery ?
I thought this tutorial was pretty amazing! In this one Sam Dunn explains how to create and animate curtains opening and uses the easing plugin to get a bouncing effect when the rope is pulled.
BBC Radio 1 Zoom Tabs ?
I loved this tutorial! First, because Remy explains how to achieve this effect very nicely, and second because the result is simply awesome!
Sexy Drop Down Menu w/ jQuery & CSS ?
Drop-down menus are not new and a lot of sites use them but this tutorial rocks! Soh teaches us how to create a ’sexy’ menu using jQuery and CSS that degrades gracefully. A must read!
Learning jQuery: Fading Menu – Replacing Content ?
I have utmost respect for Chris and his work and in this tutorial Chris teaches us how to create a fading menu which I think is pretty neat!
jQuery Demo: Creating A Sliding Image Puzzle Plug-In ?
This tutorial show us how to create a sliding image puzzle. While you may never use this on a client site, it just goes to show what what can be done using jQuery. Very impressive.
Creating A Fading Header ?
When I first saw Bits & Pixels I thought the header/logo was freakin’ cool. And guess what? Fredrik wrote a tutorial on how he achieved this fade in/out effect!
Sliding menu using jQuery ?
I Love Colors, on top of being a really nice looking site, has this tutorial on how to create a sliding menu, using jQuery of course!
CSS Dock Menu ?
Ahh, the Mac dock! I’ve always loved the way the icons pop on mouseover, it’s such a nice effect. This tutorial will show you how to create you own dock menu using jQuery and CSS.
jQuery Virtual Tour ?
Large panoramic image? No problem, with this plugin you’ll be able to create a ‘virtual tour’. Very nice if you ask me! And I can already see how this can be used in projects.
How to Load In and Animate Content with jQuery ?
Loading content is one thing, animating it on the other hand can be very cool! This tutorial on NETTUTS will show you how to enhance a rather basic site with jQuery and also load content with Ajax.
Nice & Clean Sliding Login Panel built with jQuery ?
Sliding panels are not uncommon, but in this tutorial you’ll learn how to create a really slick one. And for the WordPress lovers out there, there’s also a tutorial on how to implement it in WordPress. Well worth checking out!
jQuery Dropdown Search Panel ?
I strongly believe that search functionalities should be easily accessible and visible on every website. But there are some cases where you need or want to hide it to fit in a design. This tutorial will show you how to create a drop-down search panel.
Dynamic Drag’n Drop With jQuery And PHP ?
Ever wondered how to create a drag & drop interface? This tutorial will show you how and also how to implement PHP and create a database. Really nice!
How To Build A Personal Mashup Page With jQuery ?
Lifestreaming and micro-blogging is huge these days. In this tutorial you’ll learn to create a personal ‘mashup’ page using jQuery and JSONP and then pull data from Twitter, GitHub and a RSS feed.
jQuery Horizontal Accordion ?
We’ve all seen vertical accordions before, most probably used in sidebars. But this time let’s see how you can create a horizontal one!
Creating a polaroid photo viewer with CSS3 and jQuery ?
Creating a photo viewer with jQuery isn’t that hard, but this tutorial show you how to create one using jQuery and CSS3. Of course since it’s using CSS3, the final result may look different depending on the browser you use. Just download Safari and kick IE6 out the door! 🙂
Creating A Unique Gallery By Using z-index And jQuery ?
I loved this tutorial and the final result is pretty impressive! This detailed tutorial teaches us how to create an image gallery that looks like a pile of pics. Awesome!
Smart Columns w/ CSS & jQuery ?
After this tutorial I fell in love with ’smart columns’. Soh has a killer tutorial on how to create them using CSS and jQuery! Something like this can also be seen on Creative Depart.
Make Your Header Responses To Mouse Movements With JParallax ?
JParallax isn’t new, but it opens so many doors to jQuery lovers! This tutorial show us how to create a header that responds to mouse movements. Very nice! Something similar can also be seen on the Silverback App website (resize the window to see the effect in action).