CSS Menus – Collection of CSS Menus From CSSplay
CSS Menus is a website set up to show how CSS can be used to style unordered lists and turn then into stylish, professional menus that would enhance the look of any website. Site offers dozens of CSS menus split into following sections: Single Level Menus, Dropdown Menus, Dropline Menus and Flyout Menus.
CSS Menus are search engine friendly, they will allow search engines to easily navigate and spider your pages. Menu are easy to setup, even easier to update, degrade well for text readers and when CSS is turned off and will work even when JavaScript is turned off.
CSS Menus has been set up as an off shoot of CSS play by Stuart Nicholls. CSS Menus are available for download for free, a support donation is requested though not compulsory and the copyright comment must be retained in the stylesheet. For commercial use or on paying jobs a support donation is required and the copyright comment must be kept in the stylesheet.